Botanical Art

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About Linda

My lifelong passion for the living world has been explored through both art and science. I pursued a long career in insect taxonomy at the Natural History Museum, London, while also achieving success as a wildlife photographer underwater, with an interest in wild flowers too. Taking up botanical illustration draws on my experience in biology and photography. I paint in watercolour, and love to portray the amazingly diverse structures of plants in detail. In 2011, I became a member (now a Fellow) of Hampton Court Palace Florilegium Society, and I have shown my botanical paintings with them, and at other exhibitions.

I am on Facebook and you are welcome to get in touch with me there, or email me (see Contact, above). Also on Instagram.

CBiol (Chartered Biologist), MRSB (Member of the Royal Society of Biology)

Entomological research (insect taxonomy), Natural History Museum, London, 1967-2006
Freelance underwater photographer, 1983 - present. Botanical artist - present.

Watercolour, graphite pencil, pen-and-ink, photography (underwater photographs and photographs of wild flowering plants). N.B. Botanical illustrations are painted from life.

Hampton Court Palace Florilegium Society archive. Some of my paintings in the archive:

See News and Exhibitions

1978 - The Royal Over-Seas League, London (landscape art)
1973 - Society of Wildlife Artists, Mall Galleries, London (natural history art, not botanical)
Plus a number of exhibitions of underwater photography (one-person and group)e.g.:
2012 - Boot Düsseldorf, Germany (Boat Show) (underwater photography)

Hampton Court Palace Florilegium Society (Fellow), 2011-
ABA Association of Botanical Artists, 2021-
Royal Society of Biology, 1990-
Surrey Botanical Society, 2008-
British Society of Underwater Photographers, 1980-
Women Divers Hall of Fame, 2003-


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Last updated 12-Jun-2024  L Pitkin