Plant Images: Surrey (NEW = recently added) All images are copyright © Linda Pitkin |
Pirri-pirri-bur |
Field Maple |
Field Maple (fruits) |
Norway Maple (flowers) |
Man Orchid |
Man Orchid |
Man Orchid |
Man Orchid |
Yarrow (pink form) |
Sweet-flag |
Sweet-flag |
Moschatel |
Horse Chestnut |
Fool's Parsley |
Ground-pine |
Ground-pine |
Bugle |
Bugle |
Water-plantain |
Water-plantain |
Keeled Garlic |
Few-flowered Garlic |
Sand Leek |
Wild Onion |
Wild Onion |
Ramsons (Wild Garlic) |
Common Alder |
Orange Foxtail |
Marsh Foxtail |
Meadow Foxtail |
Juneberry |
Juneberry |
Green-winged Orchid |
Pyramidal Orchid |
Pyramidal Orchid |
Pyramidal Orchid |
Scarlet Pimpernel |
Bugloss |
Wood Anemone |
Wild Angelica |
Sweet Vernal-grass |
Apium nodiflorum | Fool's-water-cress |
Arabis glabra | Tower Mustard |
Arctium minus | Lesser Burdock |
Thyme-leaved Sandwort |
Artemisia vulgaris | Mugwort |
Lords-and-Ladies |
Asperula cynanchica | Squinancywort |
[Confused] Michaelmas-daisy |
Athyrium filix-femina | Lady Fern |
Deadly Nightshade |
Black Horehound |
Winter-cress |
Winter-cress |
Daisies |
Nodding Bur-marigold |
Trifid Bur-marigold |
Yellow-wort |
Borage |
Borage |
Wild Turnip |
Quaking Grass |
Lesser Hairy-brome |
White Bryony |
White Bryony |
Butterfly-bush |
Warty-cabbage |
Warty-cabbage |
Flowering-rush |
Box |
Large Bindweed |
Heather (Ling) |
Heather (Ling) |
Caltha palustris | Marsh Marigold |
Caltha palustris | Marsh Marigold |
Caltha palustris | Marsh Marigold |
Clustered Bellflower |
Clustered Bellflower |
Peach-leaved Bellflower |
Harebell |
Harebell |
Nettle-leaved Bellflower |
Nettle-leaved Bellflower |
Large Bittercress |
Cardamine bulbifera |
Coralroot |
Wavy Bittercress |
Cardamine hirsuta | Hairy Bittercress |
Cardamine pratensis | Cuckooflower (Lady's-smock) |
Cardamine pratensis | Cuckooflower (Lady's-smock) |
Musk Thistle (Nodding Thistle) |
Musk Thistle (Nodding Thistle) |
Musk Thistle (Nodding Thistle) |
Carex acutiformis | Lesser Pond-sedge |
Carex acutiformis | Lesser Pond-sedge |
Carex acutiformis | Lesser Pond-sedge |
Lesser Pond-sedge |
Lesser Pond-sedge |
Green-ribbed Sedge |
Spring-sedge |
Star Sedge | |
Tufted-sedge |
Tufted-sedge |
Glaucous Sedge |
Glaucous Sedge |
Glaucous Sedge |
Hairy Sedge |
Smooth-stalked Sedge |
Smooth-stalked Sedge |
Common Sedge |
Common Sedge |
False Fox-sedge |
False Fox-sedge |
Greater Tussock-sedge |
Pendulous Sedge |
Pendulous Sedge |
Cyperus Sedge |
Greater Pond-sedge |
Greater Pond-sedge |
Wood-sedge |
Bladder-sedge |
Bladder-sedge |
Common Yellow-sedge |
True Fox-sedge |
True Fox-sedge |
Carline Thistle |
Hornbeam |
Sweet Chestnut |
Cornflower |
Common Knapweed |
Greater Knapweed |
Common Centaury |
Lesser Centaury |
Lesser Centaury |
White Helleborine |
White Helleborine |
Field Mouse-ear |
Climbing Corydalis |
Flowering Quince |
Chamomile |
Chamomile |
Greater Celandine |
Fat-hen |
Many-seeded Goosefoot |
Red Goosefoot |
Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage |
Chicory |
Enchanter's-nightshade |
Dwarf Thistle |
Woolly Thistle |
Woolly Thistle |
Marsh Thistle |
Springbeauty |
Pink Purslane |
Traveller's-joy |
Traveller's-joy |
Basil Thyme |
Wild Basil |
Danish Scurvygrass |
Danish Scurvygrass |
Frog Orchid |
Field Bindweed |
Canadian Fleabane |
Hazel (male catkins, fruits - nuts) |
Cotoneaster |
Cotoneaster |
New Zealand Pigmyweed |
Mossy Stonecrop |
Hawthorn |
Hawthorn |
Rough Hawk's-beard |
Smooth Hawk's-beard | |
Montbretia |
Crocus (naturalized) |
Crosswort |
Dodder |
Greater Dodder |
Spring Sowbread |
Spring Sowbread |
Green Hound's-toungue |
Hound's-toungue |
Pale Galingale |
Galingale |
Broom |
Broom |
Cock's-foot |
Common Spotted-orchid |
Spotted-orchid hybrid |
Hybrid Marsh-orchid |
Early Marsh-orchid |
Heath Spotted-orchid |
Heath Spotted-orchid |
Southern Marsh-orchid |
Starfruit |
Starfruit |
Spurge-laurel |
Wild Teasel |
Wild Teasel |
Small Teasel |
Oblong-leaved Sundew |
Scaly Male-fern, Golden-scaled Male Fern |
Narrow Buckler-fern |
Viper's-bugloss |
Viper's-bugloss |
Viper's-bugloss |
Viper's-bugloss |
Common Spike-rush |
Great Willowherb |
Great Willowherb |
Hoary Willowherb |
Pale Willowherb |
Pale Willowherb |
Broad-leaved Helleborine |
Violet Helleborine |
Field Horsetail |
Marsh Horsetail |
Great Horsetail |
Bell Heather |
Blue Fleabane |
Common Stork's-bill |
Common Stork's-bill |
Treacle-mustard |
Spindle |
Hemp-agrimony |
Hemp-agrimony |
Wood Spurge |
Cypress Spurge |
Dwarf Spurge |
Sun Spurge |
Caper Spurge |
Twiggy Spurge |
Eyebright |
Eyebright |
Chalk Eyebright |
Eyebright |
Beech (seedlings) |
Beech (seedlings) |
Copse-bindweed |
Copse-bindweed |
Japanese Knotweed |
Lesser Celandine |
Lesser Celandine |
Common Cudweed |
Meadowsweet |
Dropwort |
Alder Buckthorn |
Ash |
Ash (flowers & young leaves) |
Snakeshead Fritillary |
Common Fumitory |
Bonfire-moss |
Snowdrop |
Galega officinalis | Goat's-rue |
Galega officinalis | Goat's-rue |
Bifid Hemp-nettle |
Galeopsis tetrahit | Common Hemp-nettle |
Gallant Soldier |
Galinsoga quadriradiata | Shaggy Soldier |
Galium aparine | Cleavers |
Woodruff |
Woodruff |
Slender Bedstraw |
Heath Bedstraw |
Galium uliginosum | Fen Bedstraw |
Galium uliginosum | Fen Bedstraw (galls) |
Lady's Bedstraw |
Lady's Bedstraw |
Trumpet Gentian |
Autumn Gentian |
Autumn Gentian |
Geranium lucidum | Shining Crane's-bill |
Geranium pratense | Meadow Crane's-bill |
Geranium pratense | Meadow Crane's-bill |
Hedgerow Crane's-bill |
Hedgerow Crane's-bill |
Herb-Robert |
Glebionis segetum | Corn Marigold |
Glebionis segetum | Corn Marigold |
Glechoma hederacea | Ground-ivy |
Glechoma hederacea | Ground-ivy |
Reed Sweet-grass |
Heath Cudweed |
Gnaphalium uliginosum | Marsh Cudweed |
Marsh Cudweed |
Fragrant Orchid |
Ivy |
Ivy |
Common Rock-rose |
Stinking Hellebore |
Green Hellebore |
Bristly Oxtongue |
Bristly Oxtongue |
Hogweed |
Hogweed |
Herminium monorchis | Musk Orchid |
Herminium monorchis | Musk Orchid |
Spotted Hawkweed |
Himantoglossum hircinum | Lizard Orchid |
Horseshoe Vetch |
Hirschfeldia incana | Hoary Mustard |
Hirschfeldia incana | Hoary Mustard |
Yorkshire-fog (grass) |
Meadow Barley |
Hop |
Humulus lupulus | Hop |
Bluebell |
Frogbit |
Tutsan |
Hypericum elodes | Marsh St John's-wort |
Hypericum hircinum | Stinking Tutsan |
Hypericum hircinum | Stinking Tutsan |
Hypericum hircinum | Stinking Tutsan |
Trailing St John's-wort |
Hypericum perforatum | Perforate St John's-wort |
Hypericum pulchrum | Slender St John's-wort |
Smooth Cat's-ear |
Yellow Bird's-nest |
Wild Candytuft |
Coral-necklace |
Impatiens capensis | Orange Balsam |
Indian Balsam |
Touch-me-not Balsam |
Small Balsam |
Ploughman's-spikenard |
Stinking Iris |
Iris pseudacorus | Yellow Iris |
Iris pseudacorus var. bastardii | Yellow Iris, pale variety |
Sheep's-bit |
Sharp-flowered Rush |
Sharp-flowered Rush (Tassel Gall) |
Juncus compressus | Round-fruited Rush |
Juncus conglomeratus | Compact Rush |
Sharp-leaved Fluellen |
Round-leaved Fluellen |
Field Scabious |
Field Scabious |
Field Scabious |
Lamiastrum galeobdolon ssp. argentatum | Yellow Archangel |
Lamiastrum galeobdolon ssp. argentatum | Yellow Archangel |
Lamiastrum galeobdolon ssp. montanum | Yellow Archangel |
Lamium amplexicaule | Henbit Dead-nettle |
Lamium hybridum | Cut-leaved Dead-nettle |
Toothwort |
Yellow Vetchling |
Broad-leaved Everlasting-pea |
Grass Vetchling |
Lathyrus pratensis | Meadow Vetchling |
Legousia hybrida | Venus's-looking-glass |
Hoary Cress |
Smith's Pepperwort |
Dittander |
Ox-eye Daisy |
Leucojum aestivum | Summer Snowflake |
Leucojum aestivum | Summer Snowflake |
Ligustrum ovalifolium | Garden Privet |
Martagon Lily |
Linaria vulgaris |
Common Toadflax |
Linaria vulgaris |
Common Toadflax |
Fairy Flax |
Fairy Flax |
Lithospermum officinale | Common Gromwell |
Honeysuckle |
Honeysuckle |
Lotus corniculatus | Common Bird's-foot-trefoil |
Honesty |
Field Wood-rush |
Heath Wood-rush |
Lycium barbarum | Duke of Argyll's Teaplant |
Lycium barbarum | Duke of Argyll's Teaplant |
Marsh Clubmoss |
Gypsywort |
Lycopus europaeus | Gypsywort |
Gypsywort |
Yellow Pimpernel |
Dotted Loosestrife |
Yellow Loosestrife |
Yellow Loosestrife |
Yellow Loosestrife |
Purple-loosestrife |
Purple-loosestrife |
Apple |
Musk-mallow |
Malva neglecta | Dwarf Mallow |
Common Mallow |
Marchantia polymorpha | Liverwort |
Lucerne |
Sand Lucerne |
Common Cow-wheat |
Tall Melilot |
Mentha arvensis | Corn Mint |
Spear Mint |
Bogbean |
Dog's Mercury |
Medlar |
Moehringia trinervia | Three-nerved Sandwort |
Upright Chickweed |
Molinia caerulea | Purple Moor-grass |
Changing Forget-me-not |
Early Forget-me-not |
Water Forget-me-not |
Wood Forget-me-not |
Water Chickweed |
Wild Daffodil |
Bog Asphodel |
Nasturtium officinale [formerly Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum] |
Water-cress |
Common Twayblade |
Apple-of-Peru |
Nymphaea alba | White Water-lily |
Water-lily |
Fringed Water-lily |
Red Bartsia |
Oenanthe crocata | Hemlock Water-dropwort |
Oenanthe fistulosa | Tubular Water-dropwort |
Oenanthe pimpinelloides | Corky-fruited Water-dropwort |
Sainfoin |
Ononis repens | Common Restharrow |
Common Restharrow |
Spiny Restharrow |
Adder's-tongue |
Bee Orchid |
Orchis mascula | Early Purple Orchid |
Orchis mascula | Early Purple Orchid |
Wild Marjoram |
Ornithogalum umbellatum | [Garden] Star-of-Bethlehem |
Ornithogalum umbellatum | Star-of-Bethlehem |
Ornithogalum umbellatum | Star-of-Bethlehem |
Birds-foot |
Knapweed Broomrape |
Orobanche hederae | Ivy Broomrape |
Ivy Broomrape |
Common Broomrape |
Royal Fern |
Wood-sorrel |
Procumbent Yellow-sorrel |
Least Yellow-sorrel |
Witch-grass |
Poppy |
Herb-paris |
Herb-paris |
Herb-paris |
Herb-paris |
Herb-paris |
Paris quadrifolia | Herb-paris |
Herb-paris |
Wild Parsnip |
Marsh Lousewort |
Lousewort |
Green Alkanet |
Green Alkanet |
Green Alkanet |
Amphibious Bistort |
Pale Persicaria |
Redshank |
Redshank |
Redshank |
Redshank |
White Butterbur (male flower) |
Winter Heliotrope |
Butterbur (male and female flowers) |
Giant Butterbur |
Phacelia |
Reed Canary-grass |
Reed Canary-grass |
Canary-grass |
Timothy |
Common Reed |
Common Reed |
Hartstongue Fern |
Japanese-lantern |
Round-headed Rampion |
Round-headed Rampion |
Pokeweed |
Hawkweed Oxtongue |
Fox-and-cubs |
Buck's-horn Plantain |
Ribwort Plantain |
Ribwort Plantain |
Hoary Plantain |
Four-leaved Allseed |
Common Milkwort |
Milkwort |
Milkwort |
Milkwort |
Solomon's-seal |
Equal-leaved Knotgrass |
Annual Beard-grass |
Hard Shield-fern |
Haircap Moss (Hair Moss) |
Hair-moss |
Pickerelweed |
Hybrid Black Poplar (catkins) |
Trailing Tormentil |
Hoary Cinquefoil |
Tormentil |
Barren Strawberry |
Hybrid Cinquefoil |
Cowslip |
Primrose |
Cherry Laurel |
Blackthorn |
Blackthorn |
Blackthorn |
Blackthorn |
Bracken |
Common Fleabane |
Lungwort |
Common Wintergreen |
Round-leaved Wintergreen |
Pear |
Pear (fruit) |
Turkey Oak |
Sessile Oak |
Pendunculate Oak |
Allseed |
Allseed |
Corn Buttercup |
Corn Buttercup |
Goldilocks Buttercup |
Lesser Spearwort |
Lesser Spearwort |
Greater Spearwort |
Small-flowered Buttercup |
Celery-leaved Buttercup |
Celery-leaved Buttercup |
Wild Radish |
Wild Mignonette |
Greater Yellow-rattle |
Rhododendron |
White Beak-sedge |
Brown Beak-sedge |
Red Currant |
Gooseberry |
Marsh Yellow-cress |
Dog-rose |
Small-flowered Sweet-briar rose |
Wild Rose (gall) |
Wild Rose (gall) |
Bramble/ Blackberry |
Common Sorrel |
Clustered Dock |
Curled Dock |
Butcher's-broom |
Knotted Pearlwort |
Procumbent Pearlwort |
Duck-potato |
Arrowhead |
Goat Willow |
Goat Willow |
Goat Willow |
Purple Willow |
Meadow Clary |
Sanicle |
Soapwort |
Pitcherplant |
Meadow Saxifrage |
Small Scabious |
Glory-of-the-snow |
Water Figwort |
Water Figwort |
Skullcap |
Lesser Skullcap |
Lesser Skullcap |
Lesser Skullcap |
Lesser Skullcap |
Sedum acre |
Biting Stonecrop |
White Stonecrop |
White Stonecrop |
Orpine |
Marsh Ragwort |
Hoary Ragwort |
Common Ragwort |
Heath Groundsel |
Saw-wort |
Green Bristle-grass |
Field Madder |
White Campion |
Bladder Campion |
Charlock |
Hedge Mustard |
Greater Water-parsnip |
Alexanders |
Alexanders |
Alexanders |
Alexanders |
Alexanders |
Bittersweet (Woody Nightshade) |
Black Nightshade |
Goldenrod |
Goldenrod |
Perennial Sow-thistle |
Perennial Sow-thistle |
Marsh Sow-thistle |
Rowan (berries) |
Unbranched Bur-reed |
Branched Bur-reed |
Branched Bur-reed |
Corn Spurrey |
Sand Spurrey |
Sand Spurrey |
Sand Spurrey |
Papillose Bog-moss |
Autumn Lady's-tresses |
Autumn Lady's-tresses |
Autumn Lady's-tresses |
Marsh Woundwort |
Marsh Woundwort |
Hedge Woundwort |
Bog Stitchwort |
Lesser Stitchwort |
Greater Stitchwort |
Greater Chickweed |
Devil's-bit Scabious |
Creeping Comfrey |
White Comfrey |
Russian Comfrey |
Black Bryony |
Feverfew |
Tansy |
Dandelion |
Yew |
Shepherd's Cress |
Fringecups |
Wood Sage |
Common Meadow-rue |
Bastard-toadflax |
Wild Thyme |
Large Thyme |
Small-leaved Lime |
Common Lime (fruit) |
Upright Hedge-parsley |
Goat's-beard |
Deergrass |
Hare's-foot Clover |
Hop Trefoil |
Lesser Trefoil |
Strawberry Clover |
Alsike Clover |
Zigzag Clover |
White Clover |
Subterranean Clover |
Scentless Mayweed |
Coltsfoot |
Dwarf Gorse |
Elm |
Common Nettle (Stinging Nettle) |
Small Nettle |
Bilberry |
Cranberry |
Marsh Valerian |
Marsh Valerian |
Common Valerian |
White Mullein |
Dark Mullein |
Great Mullein |
Argentinian Vervain |
Vervain |
Vervain |
Pink Water-speedwell (flowers and galls) |
Germander Speedwell |
Germander Speedwell |
Slender Speedwell |
Ivy-leaved Speedwell |
Wood Speedwell |
Wood Speedwell |
Common Field Speedwell |
Thyme-leaved Speedwell |
Wayfaring-tree (flowers, berries) |
Guelder-rose (flowers, berries) |
Spring Vetch |
Common Vetch |
Common Vetch |
Common Vetch |
Narrow-leaved Vetch |
Bush Vetch |
Greater Periwinkle |
Field Pansy |
Hairy Violet |
Hairy Violet |
Sweet Violet |
Sweet Violet |
Sweet Violet (white variety) |
Early Dog-violet |
Common Dog-violet |
Mistletoe |
Mistletoe |
Rootless Duckweed |