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Plants photographed at Surrey Botanical Society meetings and other Surrey recording 2015
Guildford, Riverside Park September
Capel August
Ash Ranges August
Ham Common meeting August
North of Haxted meeting August
Brookwood Cemetery meeting August
Milton Court Farm July
Clandon Wood meeting July
Runnymede, Langham Ponds July
Runnymede May and July
Coulsdon, Farthing Downs meeting July
Chertsey Meads BioBlitz June
Chelsham, Nore Hill meeting June
Dorking and Sheepleas meeting June
Seale June
Epsom, Horton Country Park meeting May Esher Common, The Ledges meeting May
Ash Ranges, Henley Park Range meeting May
Plant images by scientific name: Surrey
For earlier years click here
Botanists at Coulsdon, Farthing Downs, 05/07/2015
For other plant pages see British wild flowers
Last updated 04-Nov-2016 Dr B R Pitkin